ADAM ENGINEERS is one of the leading Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Cotton Bale PressHydraulic Baling Press MachineryBundling PressesWaste cotton Baling Presses and all types of Special Hydraulic Machines as per our customer requirements. These Hydraulic Baling Press Machines are meant for converting hanks into bundles, Hank Yarn Bundles into Bales and Waste cotton Bales as per customer requirements.

Adam Engineers is a sub sector of the industry, that produces and maintains various products that include Baling Press, aviation ground support equipment, Scrap Baling Press Machine,  Scissor Lift Platform, etc.. for consumers, the industry, and most other companies in the economy.Our Industry traditionally belongs to the heavy industry. Nowadays, many smaller companies in this branch are considered part of the light industry. 


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